❤ Spot us above ❤
FTISLAND finally returned to Singapore for their Concert and it was helluva LIT. Hong Ki's sexy husky vocal-cords live ٩(♡ε♡ )۶. Him trying to learn singlish and giving up, I just love his voice. He can speak gibberish and I'd be okay with that.
Made new Primadonna friends from overseas and they were in crazy mode. You don't need weed or vodka and she's already high. I'm glad we met, she's funny. Chanel spotted Riona and Liying said that she smiled at her so she kinda strained a smiled back. That two faced backstabber don't deserve a smile though. Don't need fake people like you in my life #sorrynotsorry
The queue to enter the concert was according to our concert ticket number and I preordered the tickets from 5tislandsg so we didn't know what number we'll get. Lucky for us 5tisland happened to have direct contact with the event organizers so our ticket number within the first 40 range! This really made my day.
Stood beside a Jaejin fanboy and with unintentional stroke of fate/destiny /luck whatsoever, I somehow remembered that we actually met 7 years ago during Singapore's Kpop Night Concert, while waiting for FTI at their hotel. Those were the days man. It's rather amusing to see him still liking Jaejin after so long though. Faithful guys like him deserves my praise haha. Sad side story: Jaejin threw his guitar pick to him and it fell onto the confetti covered floor, we tried searching it for him but someone said it got picked up by another fan. That's so saddening, I got frustrated on his behalf and he's like it's alright.
Side note, I miss Hongki's old voice. He used to sing with his heart and his emotions made me feel what he was feeling too. His voice and ftisland's song genre changed over the years and I didn't felt this emotions anymore. However during this concert, his old voice came back and felt overflowing sadness when he sang one song. Maybe it's caused by his recent breakup but it at that moment, i remembered why ftisland is my no. 1 band.
Feels, angelseah.
Side note, I miss Hongki's old voice. He used to sing with his heart and his emotions made me feel what he was feeling too. His voice and ftisland's song genre changed over the years and I didn't felt this emotions anymore. However during this concert, his old voice came back and felt overflowing sadness when he sang one song. Maybe it's caused by his recent breakup but it at that moment, i remembered why ftisland is my no. 1 band.
Feels, angelseah.
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