Sunday 22 January 2017

Friday 6 January 2017

My love life's a mess #2

Received your contact request from skype, accepted it and then felt like blocking you again. Every time I log into skype, I see our last argument that caused this break up and re-reading it reminded me why breaking up was the right thing to do. I was seething with anger at that time because it wasn't the first time such thing happened and you still gave excuses, tried to argued back, even better, not a "i'm sorry" until 3(?) weeks later. 


I can't bring myself to be someone that is able to be heartless to an ex, but talking to him like how a friend would (as compromised), DOES NOT mean that I'm giving him a chance. Sigh, what should I do? I don't want to hurt him again and it also hurts me to have to repeat myself so many times.. Why do I feel that he just doesn't understand that there's absolute zero chances of us getting back together? Am I giving false hopes? I'm sorry for the misled. It's frustrating when he's still persistent about 'getting me back' even after I have made it clear to him I'd rather just be friends or none at all. I thought I didn't have to repeat myself but recent actions made me feel like my efforts of making things clear went down the drain, if it continues I'm starting to think that we'd be better off as strangers. To make things worse, our friends still thinks we'll get back together, encouraging us to patch and all. Stop it already... 

Don't promise a future friendship

Definitely don't tell him that you can still be friends because you could mislead him into thinking he has another chance. Men claim they can handle it but deep down think, “Great, I still have time to change her mind.” or “Maybe she’ll come around if we just keep hanging out.” And that’s not a true friendship.These guys will hang around and pretend to be your friend. When you get involved with someone else, they flip out or try to sabotage your connection. They’re angry that you “used” them when in reality, you were just being a friend. It’s best just to move on.


Moana official takes the #1 spot in my Disney movies ranking followed by Tangled and Mulan. I like Anastasia too but it's not under Disney. Please no more Frozen. It's EVERYWHERE! Though I admit I like Olaf! And their "First time in forever" for both their normal and reprise version. 

Her voice is just...Disney princess voice goals. Effortless singing.