Wednesday 23 March 2011


Deleted my previous blog (again) because I can't remember my password for the gazillion-th time D; D: D;

Gahh, such a loser. 

Hmm. The story of my 'perfect' life that people might soon come to realize that it's just a facade. Some people think that they know how my life is like; and jealous they are sometimes... But the question is, 'when will people be able to see that my life is not all butterflies and ponies, and it is not as great as it seems to be?' 

I'm sick of all this phony act by you whom i once called 'a friend', that secretly (not so secret anymore because i found out of your bitch side ) stabs you at the back when you aren't looking. Bullshit.

To you, my phony friend, 
I regret knowing. 
& I hate to regret

angelseah, signing off

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