Monday, 29 May 2017

Unexpected Birthday Surprise #Part2

"It's nice when you meet up with an old friend, 
and see how much you've both grown..."

Went somewhere else for "round 2" with Kiat and Fong after Timbre. Thinking back the last time I went there was with Jon and Liying... it's like taking a trip down memory lane but this time it's just Jon, without Liying and I didn't know how to react at first while Jon just looked shocked I'm here. Lol

After all, it's been 2 years since we met and and I'm glad that we managed to talk a bit. He changed (in a good way), quite a lot in terms of how to dress up and his new career. Hearing him give up on love made me feel a little sad but to be honest...who am I to comment? I'm kinda the same way too. Just be happy, love will find it's way.

Met a friend of theirs that sings like he eats CD for breakfast!! And a Malaysian guy that speaks with a British accent LOL. He's the comedian of the party, I laughed till my face hurt. I apologize for forgetting their names, I am just so bad with names >-<

Fong and Kiat also improved in singing! They are so good now that I can't help but keep praising them because it. is. that. shocking.

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