Tuesday 21 May 2013

Summer Birthday

Chalet ☑ Cake ☐ BBQ ☐

 Venue | Costa Sands Pasir Ris Chalet | Start | 6 pm | Theme | deciding | Dinner | 6 pm | Cake Cutting | 11pm | Midnight Movie | Bowling | 12pm | Supper | 3 pm

Gonna be 21 in less than 3 weeks.. can't say I'm excited but rather hopeful that everything will go well on that day. Have to learn to be less angsty these days to not ruin every happy celebration :|
I want to take this time to thank all the people who have helped me in my life, no amount of thank you(s) are enough to express my gratefulness. My family, love and friends, those who stayed and left...that made be believe that there are somethings worth living for ❤
Sincerly, angelseah

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