Really really busy at work past few weeks doing all the administrative / HR / accounting / secretary stuff all alone! & then again there's night classes 3 days a week, tests after tests.. QM test was not what i'd expect but at least a 25/30 please! :l Gehhhh, tired and the only thing keeping me up this late every night is my long list of anime. I think people don't really see me as a person that actually watches anime tho deep down I might be a two-third otaku. Lol, i don't know...
Note to self: stop reading the manga and spoiling the plot myself. Now the anime ain't that nice anymore ㅠㅠㅠ

Finished watching all these anime in less than a month even with my busy schedule... Fangirl-ing cool anime guys. If only I can live in anime world, or if i'm a kawaii anime person...ah-
Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, kidding. Why are people always giving me that ' you-mad ' stares everytime i say this. I can dream no? oh this sad reality.
Jahhh angelseah,
signing off ~